The Life and Times of Monkey, Buster, and Yessa

Just another weblog

Cross-Fit March 26, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommie2zs @ 12:46 pm

Buds and I are headed to Boulder for a Couples’ Retreat Week of our own making in a couple months.  In addition to the Celestial Seasonings Factory, I’m very excited to at least walk by the CrossFit Gym.

Want to be inspired?  Take a look at this:  (Watch the pushups at 3:18 if you are time crunched.) Crossfit

I can’t find the other video I was looking for which shows a woman completing her first-ever complete push-up on those swinging rings like you see in the Olympics.  She pushed herself up into a straight arm position, then jumped down and began to jump around with complete abandon and joy.  It was so moving and inspirational to see.

Now I want Brock to push even harder!


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